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Perfect your Smile With Aligners

Clear aligners help in straightening the teeth and each person has a different procedure depending on the severity of the teeth. It is much quicker than traditional braces and switches to a new set of aligners every week or two as the teeth start improving and move to their inclined position. Aligners for teeth cost can vary depending on the treatment plan, but generally, aligners cost is more affordable than traditional braces.

Effective Misalignment Correction Results

Clear aligners are used to handle misaligned, crooked, rotated, tipped, or improperly positioned teeth and tend to improve your smile. The procedure has limitations to wear them at least 22 hours every day, temporary speech obstructions and difficulties in treating malocclusion. Aligners worn over a longer period can affect your gum health and thereby cause concerns like periodontitis and gingivitis.

Virtual Invisible Clear Aligners

Experience the magic of virtually invisible clear aligners at Smiles On Dental, where straightening your teeth is effortless with a comfortable and perfect fit to your teeth by blending seamlessly with your lifestyle. Get the perfect smile without the hassle of traditional braces and enjoy the freedom of clear aligners today.